Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • My daily dose of sanity

    For 4 years I took medication daily that I needed and would take again if necessary – it was an antipsychotic to stabilise my moods while I focused on CBT. It gave me my life back and better than I could ever imagine, however, it had side effects that, to be perfectly honest, sucked. From…

  • Why I chose Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) as my therapy of choice.

    When I was a teenager I went to see one of the few psychologists in Windhoek, Namibia and she was such a blip on my radar (also, I suck at remembering the names of people who don’t make an impression) and she told me that I think myself into a depression. An adoptee who at…

  • Culture shock, the shock continued…

    We covered in part one of the culture shock that what you wear matters and also, that certain items of clothing that were considered acceptable back in South Africa are considered “uncouth” in Essex, where we currently live. We are an adorable family; look at the evidence!!! My husband is convinced that the jacket in…

  • The gift of time

    Whenever I find myself in a predicament I ask the universe for signs and the universe either delivers said signs when I least expect them or no sign is also a sign. Recently, I asked the universe for a sign to take time for myself and quit working – hyper independence accompanies adoptees as one…

  • The culture shock

    I don’t believe this term has ever truly been defined given the weight it carries when you immigrate It’s a culture shock.. what is? Well, everything is a culture shock, to be perfectly honest. It’s not just the customs, language/dialects and food options that come into play; this touches everything from your wardrobe to your…

  • The power and right to choose!

    We have fought and continue to fight so hard for the freedom to express ourselves verbally and for equal rights, but what about our own thoughts we allow to run wild in our head? Anyone with depression or mental illness will know how difficult this practice is because part of the illness is that your…

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